Saturday, August 21, 2010

Melting artic ice due to global warming uncovers massive oil and gas reserves, Threatens Artic Conflicts.?

f the U.S Government really believed in ';global warming'; and ';green energy'; why are we risking poluting the artic, causing more CO2, and potentially starting what could be a world war IF OBAMA'S windmills, solar, and tidal potentials were worth a da'mn like he is saying.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>Melting artic ice due to global warming uncovers massive oil and gas reserves, Threatens Artic Conflicts.?
Nice try Louie but what does it have to do with the lobal waring hoax--NOTHING! NEXTMelting artic ice due to global warming uncovers massive oil and gas reserves, Threatens Artic Conflicts.?
I, for one do not go along with the Global Warming theory is man made.

We should not be risking the Artic when we can drill other places. Although if we do not do it and drill very carefully not to create the CO2 the other countries will and they generally do not care about the environment. It is all about the money which brings great power. Obama is just a puppet serving the world bankers. He is not a true heartfelt environmentalist nor care about the minions. It is all about him.
National priorities takes precedence.
It is a tool to gain control over an independent people

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