Saturday, August 21, 2010

Should we dump a huge amount of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve to help the country?

Its obviously a emergency with prices so high, if we dump a big chunk of oil on the market now, prices will drop and consumers will benefit.Should we dump a huge amount of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve to help the country?
I think so, and replenish when the price drops. Bush thought about it after Katrina and it is a hell of a lot worse now.Should we dump a huge amount of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve to help the country?
It's not enough to effect the market. Speculators wouldn't even pay any attention to that small amount. The US has billions of barrels and we need to drill our own instead of sending $700 billion to our enemies (4 times the cost of the war).

It is about supply. That's why when tensions were high with Iran who supplies 40% of the world's oil, the speculators went crazy and the price of oil shot up $9.00 in two days. When we start to drill the speculators will do the opposite and prices will drop immediately.

It needs to be saved for emergencies. If Iran closed off the strait of hormaz, we would be in serious trouble.
I believed that was a good Idea about six months ago, I believed we needed to dump enough oil into the market to cause a sharp enough decrease in cost that it would send speculators running from oil commodities.

I was informed however, that Americas strategic oil reserve did not contain enough oil to drop prices more than a few cents for about two months.
Gas prices will not decrease. The current prices have very little to do with supply. Do a little research please.

Seriously, how much could it really help? The strategic reserve only holds 700 million gallons. We use over 20 million gallons a day. We certainly can't use ALL of the reserve. It won;t do any good. If people want to see their gas bills decrease they need to stop driving so much. If they want to see food prices decrease they need to stop buying cheap junk from stores like Wal-mart that takes up unnecessary room on delivery trucks that could be used for food instead.
There is nowhere even close to enough oil there to make any difference whatsoever. It wouldn't even drop the price 2 cents a gallon if we emptied the entire thing.
Seriously, why do we even have that thing around anyway?

Do we just have some kleptomaniacs in the government saying ';More oil! Gotta put more oil in there!';?
There is not a ';huge' amount in the reserves.
No that won't work, as long as people don't have faith in money as a store of value, bubbles will keep coming up.

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