Monday, August 23, 2010

Strategic Oil Reserve

Would tapping America's Strategic Oil Reserve genuinely ease oil supply worries in the U.S., be a purely political move to generate votes, or something else entirely?Strategic Oil Reserve
It would lower the price of oil for a while, but we really need those reserves for a serious emergency, as well as to prevent the oil producing nations from holding our consumption against us politically.Strategic Oil Reserve
Pure vote pandering.

One political party wanted to give the public the view that they were on ';their side'; at the cost of national security (the other party's hot button). Absolutely and pure pandering.

The amount might have temporarily dropped the price by a nickle...only to have it go up the following week.
Obama's timing couldn't be worse. This proves he is only politically motivated with no thought to reality whatsoever - JUST WHEN IRAN IS THREATENING TO SHUT DOWN SHIPPING THROUGH THE STRAIGHTS OF HORMUZ. Need anyone say more?

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