Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Should all types of motor racing events be banned because of the rapidly depleting global oil reserve?

for one, there is no rapid decrease in the oils reserve, second, this is the racing forum, not the politics or the environmental forum....good luck.....Should all types of motor racing events be banned because of the rapidly depleting global oil reserve?
Not at all.

Does anyone considering this realize all the advances that have been made due to racing?

Many improvements are carried over into the non-racing production models.

Old example: one large reason for the development of electronic ignition: points float.

Just so happens that it also improved fuel economy.Should all types of motor racing events be banned because of the rapidly depleting global oil reserve?
How much fuel do you think we waste every day in Iraq for military operations. You wanna save fuel, that would be the first place to go.

Sixteen gallons of oil. That's how much the average American soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan consumes on a daily basis -- either directly, through the use of Humvees, tanks, trucks, and helicopters, or indirectly, by calling in air strikes. Multiply this figure by 162,000 soldiers in Iraq, 24,000 in Afghanistan, and 30,000 in the surrounding region (including sailors aboard U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf) and you arrive at approximately 3.5 million gallons of oil: the daily petroleum tab for U.S. combat operations in the Middle East war zone.

Multiply that daily tab by 365 and you get 1.3 billion gallons: the estimated annual oil expenditure for U.S. combat operations in Southwest Asia. That's greater than the total annual oil usage of Bangladesh, population 150 million -- and yet it's a gross underestimate of the Pentagon's wartime consumption.

Also racing is pushing technology forward which in turn results in better, more efficient vehicles for everyday use on the street.
just ban nascar. nascar fans don't do anything to try and marginally offset the environmental hazards caused by their races/practices: nascar fans don't recycle (especially their budweiser cans), they waste everything (gas, electricity, time, etc.), and the list goes on.....
Pehaps they could institute minimum efficiency standards, and reward greater efficiency.

your just a ******** thats trying to take away everyones fun.
No,don't be daft.
You will find your correct answers by following the advise of the Top Contribs '; Barry M '; %26amp; '; SWT ';.

Many thanks for your attempt.
no way!! and neither should freestyle, or dirt bike races or the x-games any season, this is a sport why take this away, it is not taking away from our economy or adding anymore pollution to it that is not already harmed! I already recycle, reduce, and re-use, I buy paper products and carpool, but this now too? It will never happen, America loves sports too much!!
Of course it should and while the governments of the world are at it why not ban golf as all that land that is just sitting there and could be used for farming or housing for the underprivileged. Hell lets ban all sports as I am sure that there is something wrong with every one.

We should also all stop using our cars as the pollution they cause is terrible. Perhaps the underprivileged could perhaps be used to pull rickshaws for the rich and well to do to help the situation.

As it is in this world our rights are slowly being undermined at every turn. If the pleasure of motorsport racing is removed Big Brother truly has won.
Of course not, no way
. I appreciate that you are not stating your position just asking the question, which you may or may not support so my comments are not directed at you personally until I know your position fully, however as you asked the question I may use the word you in my response.

Oh my God the ecomentalist nazi ideas rasing their heads. Lets take every single sport in the world and look at its effect on dwindling oil reserves, say for example a major football match (reall football or the NFL style played primarily with the hand). There is a stadium with say 50,000 people in it and how did the vast majority of them get there? By car or motorised transportation and then multiply that by the number of games played globally every week and there is a huge amount of oil burned up so people can go to watch that sport. So let's now extrapolate this on to the likes of base ball, rugby, tennis, golf, basketball, ice hockey - bloody hell there is an extortionate amount of people burning massive amounts of oil to go and watch sports, which lets face it are hardly a basic necessity of life. So lets ban all them.

Need some other example? Perhaps look at that PC of yours at home. Is that a real neccessity for life? No it is isn't yet there are components in it that were transported by burning oil as well as the unit itself. Did you drive to the shop to collect it - even if you didn't you are still a very selfish person for having it as it is a luxury and you directly endangered the environment by having it and all the other items in your life that are not 100% required to a base survival of you living in a cave and eating berries.

Yes my scenarios are far fetched just as the question suggestion is. Anyone who comes on to an answers site, wasting energy to do so is a hypocrite if they then criticise others for what they may do for harming the environment. PC's don't run for free. I am sitting here with a cup of coffee and how selfish was that of me to boil a kettle when I could have had a drink of water gathered in a barrell that would have used less energy to get to me - I hang my head in shame.

The impact on oil reserves of motorsport are negligible and is far outweighed by the benefit it brings to the thousands of people who make a living in the industry plus the enjoyment it brings to those who participate and/or follow.

Everything we do impacts on the world some how, so to my mind the self righteous, holier than thou, ecomentalist nazis should either go back to cave dwelling before they start to preach or get the hell off of peoples backs.
no not at all.
Check this out..... This is ';Motorcycle Racing';, You would get a better response in ';Enviroment'; or ';Goverment';..... We talk about ';Racing'; this question is not a ';Racing'; topic.
You have hit the nails head.!

when ever I watch the motor racing , I wonder what is this madness going on.. On one hand world leaders talk of pollution, shortage of oil and high prices and poverty. but they do not seem to take actions on issue that really matter.

Your point if worked rightly, will help greatly to all and specifically to poor nations who too are mad about this disease and are helplessly allowing it in their country..

I wish your question becomes the direction for political and administrative powers.

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