Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Obama says ';Tap reserves to ease oil prices . . . ';

I just read that headline.

Folks, is it just me, or is that idiotic?

What do you do after that?

What do you do after that has run it's course?

Really folks, progress is a good thing. We used to know all about it.

Let's start producing and stop acting like delicate flowers.

Any thoughts on this?Obama says ';Tap reserves to ease oil prices . . . ';
What is truly sad is the ';reserves'; he is talking about are not oil that is not drilled, it's a reserve of oil that is stored in huge underground salt caves called the Strategic Petroleum's supposed to be used in case of national emergency for military a keep our ships and airplanes in service. High oil prices does not constitute a national emergency, it's just high prices.

It goes to show what kind of leadership we can expect....someone who does grandstanding on TV and makes promises that make no sense and further endanger our nation. Obama says ';Tap reserves to ease oil prices . . . ';
Idiotic? No. Funny? Yes. Its funny because Obama changes his views almost daily, give him a couple days and he will decide not to support this. I would say this is the best plan we as Americans who are ADDICTED TO OIL! Here are our options.....stay addicted to Middle Eastern Controlled Oil, allow them to squeeze the American Economy any time they like, or start pumping our own Oil. I %100 support drill here drill now. Unfortunately no matter how bad we all would like our vehicles to run off of our garbage none of the technologies right now are in place for us to switch to one overnight. Unfortunately for us all of our Big Trucks, Airplanes, Ships, Trains, all depend on FOREIGN Oil currently. That means our food supply, medical supplies, anything and everything is affected by FOREIGN Oil. Wouldnt it be great to know that you were going to have food on your table because the U.S. has idependant Oil Reserves tapped? I say go for it, and at the same time the Government needs to get serious on alternatives as well. They should tax our domestic Oil considerably and set in stone that all proceeds from the tax go towards grants for alternative research and development. The Government should give tax incentives to individual citizens who by hybrids, flex fuel vehicles, etc. There are many things to consider, however, the best immediate answer is to start drilling, now if we could just get the Democratic Representatives to get off their butt and get to work on approving the legislation allready in place we could be on to a better future for our Country!
They should have been drilling for oil back in the 70's did they,... no, it will take about 5-7 years for us to see prices come down, so why didn't we do it back then,.... gee let me count the reasons why not.

Yes I agree with you, darn goverment!!!!!
there isn't much more oil in the gulf than there is in the it would make the same difference.
Tap oil now, and get on with drilling our own offshore oil..

Get Nancy Polusi out of congress..
I agree with him in this instance.

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