Oil Reserves (most recent) by Country
Obama: Tap nation's oil reserve to help gas prices
I believe that we should not do this. This oil reserve is for emergencies. Right now they are not adding to the reserves due to the high cost of oil. If they continue to take oil from the reserves and God forbid, we have another national disaster, we will be in more trouble than we are now.What is your opinion of tapping into the nation's oil reserve to help with gas prices?
I believe in Newt Gingrich's 3 step plan - tho it will prob never happen:
1 - dump 1/3 of the oil reserve on the market - prices will drop dramatically RUINING the future's speculators who have been driving the prices up and making a fortune - I'd like to see those guys get burned.
2-drill, drill, drill and build more refineries - don't forget abt building more refineries because without more we will still have a problem with supply and demand of gas.
3-Quit fooling around with enthanol - (research enthanol and find out how practical it really is) - and look for hard and fast answers to alternative power - like NUCLEAR - and other sources.
Now keep in mind, America made it to the Moon in 9 yrs under JFK who was a great president though Democrat -that is when Democrats were real people and were Smart, practical - JFK is famous for Tax Cuts, his patriotism etc - He also was Pulling OUT of Vietnam when he was killed. Strangest thing, his Democrat replacement's wife's family had a major interest in seeing the war continue - as they owned Bell Helicopter - which 1000s upon 1000s of Hueys were sold to the Military..and so the war went on and on.
Now oil experts are saying that we could hit the market with a flood of oil in 7 years if we started off shore in the Gulf of Mexico because the structure for handling oil drilling and moving of oil is already there.
So would you vote for Obama? or Vote Republican?
What is your opinion of tapping into the nation's oil reserve to help with gas prices?
We have huge oil deposits in this country and not to drill and refine is criminal. Been going through this nonsense since Jimmy Carter was president and it is just amazing how much the price of oil has gone up, especially in the past 3 years. It is criminal for us to have to pay almost $4.00 a gallon at the pumps because this country wants to sit on our huge deposits of oil and buy from the mid-east and every time one of those tacky little dictators from an OPEC country wants to screw us over, they cut production and the prices at the pump go up and up. Research the gas prices for the past 8 years; it is ridiculous and most of it because we are just sitting on our own oil and depending completely on foreign oil. This needs to stop before it bankrupts this country completely.
It won't lower the price of oil, because the issue is not one of supply and demand. The issue is one of the President and Congress not getting off their collective *** and balancing the budget. If they did that , the dollar would improve, and oil prices would drop. It's even happened to a small extent in the last couple of weeks.
Congress just went on it's five-week, unearned, vacation, as it does every year, signified by Pelosi's tantrum. That means it'll be five weeks before they all convene and resume their plan to ignore the root of the problem.
Drilling oil in America will not immediately drop gas prices. So those wanting to drill for this reason are being unrealistic. The reason we should be drilling for oil is so that America can become SELF-SUFFICIENT, and depending less on unstable countries to supply it.
This may not immediately lower gas prices, but in the long run, our money stays in America, and we are not funding foriegn governments with a taste for weapons. That is the reason we should be drilling for oil in America.
Our oil reserves are there for the military in case of war or national emergencies, plain and simple. If an extreme situation develops somewhere in the world (as it usually does), and we use the gas meant for them, how can they defend us? How can any military force get around with no gas?
It is up to the American citizen to lower gas prices.
Tired of Paying High Gas Prices? Then Read This
With the nation involved in 2 wars, threats from Iran and the possibility they could close off the straight of Humus this would be extremely dangerous and foolish to use any of our emergency reserves. This is just a campaign gimmick and I think most of the intelligent voters can see right through this attempt. It almost seems, when you listen to Obama's plans to get rid of our nuclear weapons, get rid of our strategic plans to protect our country, disarm all americans, lower our oil reserves, etc, that he is trying to purposfully bring down this country. He is a very disturbed candidate.
Oil is a limited commodity. We should not tap into our nation's oil reserves. We need to explore offshore drilling, nuclear energy, solar and wind power, as well as hydro-electricity. If it is possible we should avoid ethanol because it will increase food prices too much as it has done in many other countries.
NO%26lt; NO%26lt; NO%26lt; NO!!! That would be STUPID! That oil is meant for emergencies ONLY, in case of a nuclear war, or another World War! If we use it now, it will be gone when we need it the most, to keep our country, and people afloat, instead of going into a Depression!
My father-in-law worked for Gulf Oil refining it, and also storing the Reserves for over 40 years!
What would Americans do without any oil if Iran attacks Israel, then us? Burn cow-pies to cook worms from the ground, and eat moths and flies?
We need to get rid of the Liberal Democratic Congress who has blocked oil drilling in the USA, instead of tapping into our oil reserves. They're the ones who are causing high prices of oil, and gas, yet plan to take credit for lowering them, if they get the Presidency, with Obama, by rescinding the legislation they made now!
Wake up! Libs, geeeeeeeez!!!!!
Since the USA is the only country with loads of natural resources, I say go for it, I do not believe those lying politicians, that say we are running out of natural resources!! they have been making us pay for the middle east to get rich!!! its not fair, and they are all in on it!!!! and I am sure they get their kick-backs, I belong to USGS, we have loads of oil and other resources in this country!!! and Canada, Ask that lyer Nancy Plousy!! why she won't vote for offshore drilling ect. I am sure she and those other women hold foreign oil stock, I would bet my life on it!!!!
This idea is just another trick liberals are trying to play knowing it will not have any significant impact on oil prices and will make America vulnerable. Since liberals want America to be as weak as they can make it, emptying our reserve is something they love. Maybe next liberals will want us to let the UN control our banks...
I don't know how much is in there today, but it seems that we shouldn't put more into it unless George wants to attack Iran before next year stops him. There are other ways to lower oil prices; control speculators, build more refineries, drill more here, but mostly ecourage alternative energy sources and more fuel efficient cars.
I honestly don't care about drilling to lower gas prices. I spend only a tiny fraction of my income on gasoline compared to what I was spending in the 70's. I am more interested in energy independence and watching the middle east turn back into the stone age when their oil runs out and we can just ignore them again.
';NO'; today when Obama spoke in Lansing he strongly stated we should tap into the oil reserves----this is not a good idea--if we lift the off-shore ban that alone will drive the price of crude down to some extent----leave our reserves for what it is intended for---emergencies only----never know when we might have to have it.
I think we need to upgrade our refining capacity before we tap into either the reserves or new fields. If a problem happens at a refinery that would shut it down. All the oil in the world wouldn't do any good without the ability to process it.
Just my humble opine.
If we take too much from the supply, we won't be able to replenish it and drilling would help increase the overall supply, so why not just harvest more of it? But I guess that would make too much sense.
If we take some today, we'd better have a way to replace it, preferrably internally, that helps our economy at the same time (domestic drilling, perhaps?).
Nancy Pelosi says tapping the reserves will help drop the price of oil but drilling wont'. We'd get more drilling, sounds like liberal logic to me. Similar to you can drill where there isn't oil but not where there is offshore, ANWR and colorado.
Obama and Pelosi seem to think that tapping our reserves will help...hmmm, how about leaving our emergeny reserves alone, and drilling for new reserves?
No, that makes too much sense. Hence the Pelosi %26amp; co. escape Friday.
I am not in favor of it. What Obama has proposed is taking light crude oil from the reserve, and replacing it with heavy crude oil. So that we do not deplete the reserve.
We need our reserve for when we have no oil, we have plenty of oil, we just have to go get it.I think that is hypocritical of Pelosi, does reserve oil not pollute the same as drilled oil????
I couldn't agree more. Whether it be a natural disaster or man made one (WW3) the size of our reserves will be crucial. Using them up to maintain a lifestyle that we know is obsolete to avoid short term sacrifice is ridiculous.
That oil reserve is for our national security in case of an emergency. We are not at that point, thank God.
Obama and Pelosi have no plan whatsoever. Just big talk and no action.
They want to EMPTY out our pockets as well with more taxes! Taking our reserves makes no sense at all! To empty our reserves when we can drill and produce makes as much sense as over-taxing in hopes the economy will be better. But, hey..that's the democrats for you!
Iran cannot wait till America depletes its oil reserves, at that time they will be free to test nuclear weapons.
Obama is either completely naive in nataional security issues, or worse - a traitor on Osama's payroll.
I think the threat of more supply will spook many of the speculators who have driven up the price of oil recently.
You said it all yourself. Can’t really add anything else to it.
hahahahahaha,another lib wet dream ! http://americansolutions.com/drillnow
If Barack Obama is proposing that we tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, I have to rethink my previous dismissive attitude towards allegations that he wants to weaken America. He firmly rejected the proposal for a gas tax holiday during the summer driving season as a short-term “fix” for a long-term problem. Now he is supporting an even shorter-term fix for the same problem.
We have about 730 million barrels of oil in the SPR. At our current rate of consumption, that’s about a 37-day supply of crude. By the time we could get the oil out, deliver it to our refineries, and transport refined products to our gas stations, the summer driving season will be over and gasoline prices will come down, if only a little, in their normal seasonal pattern. The cost of replacing the oil will be substantially higher than the cost of what we have invested in the SPR oil now. So maybe we won’t replace it. Maybe if we draw down our SPR we will have a permanent reduction in our “emergency” supply of oil. Nothing could please Iran and our other enemies more.
This would be like dipping into our “rainy day” savings accounts to pay for a vacation. That’s not what the SPR is for. It was never intended to ease our pain at the pump. It was intended to make sure, at least in the very short term, that there is something there to pump.
Maybe Obama is not a flip-flopper. Maybe he’s just crazy. Or maybe he wants to level the playing field with our adversaries so we have a more glaring weakness they can use to their advantage. Whichever it is, I don’t want this clown in the Oval Office, even for a visit.
Yea, to scare OPEC and America's oil Emperors. What we really need to concentrate on is the alternative energy. It is not us, the price of oil went up when Bush went over to Iraq to try and get a ';contract'; about us being over there. Iraq does not want us there. They did not ask us to come and help them. They have been fighting each other forever over THEIR land.
Forget that. Just to bring down the oil and let them know ALL OF THE RICH SON OF OIL MEN that we are SICK of them spending our money.
We are going to have to pay for the war and what do we get. OH, WE GET TO PAY HIGHER PRICES TOO.
Waste of time. Wreck yer SUV, buy a hybrid and shut up.
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