Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Where the oil reserve of middle east countries come from?

What makes the Middle Eastern Countries to have the largest oil reserves in the world(specially the countries in the Gulf region)?Where the oil reserve of middle east countries come from?
';My short answer for the questions that need a lot of spaces for arguments.

1) Good geological conditions that need oil accumulation.

2) Good source rock preservation due to geographic and rich orgainism thriving conditions. Both fine once in the present Middle East during many million years ago.

Some details are as follows

In order to reach to a satisfying answer of your question, it is important to appreciate the science of Plate Tectonics.

In geologic terms,a plate is a large, rigid slab of solid rock. The word tectonics comes from the Greek root ';to build.'; Putting these two words together, we get the term plate tectonics, which refers to how the Earth's surface is built of plates.

These blocks or plates have different properties and behave differently in response to its gliding surface and at the time of dynamic movements. The Earth what we observe now believed to be not the same throughout the geological time. It had changed its shapes and continents and had been mobilized geographically as well. Many scientific explanations have been presented to prove the theory. Presence of fossils of similar kind of plants and animals in diversified continents, thousands of miles apart, once fused, showed the evidence of plate movements.

Various continents of the Earth floated around the globe in the geologic past, such as, Africa and South America, India and Europe and Asia. Geological past could be as ancient as 2500 million years old to few thousand years ago. It implies that a continent at the equator now, must had been near the poles once in the past, may be several millions years before the past. Every climatic zones have their internal biologic and climatic activity.

While studying Petroleum accumulation or deposits of hydrocarbon, keep in mind, the most important factors controlling the oil accumulation are, source rock, reservoir and trap.

Source rock is closely and directly related to the biological activity of the given zone which will help to concentrate the organic matter at one place and afterward it becomes preserved if met appropriate conditions. Most of the areas now comprised of Arabian Peninsula including North Africa, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq, were remained near the tropical areas between latitude 20 degree south to 20 degree north during Jurassic (135 million years) late Tertiary (10 million years). Biologic activity and productivity is the highest in these tropical and equatorial zones compare to the area lying near the poles. The rocks of the Jurassic and Cretaceous have been found good source and reservoir rocks throughout the Saudi Arabai, Yemen, Sudan Iraq and Iran. On the other hand reservoir rock particularly in the Paleozoic age are either deposited in the continental environments which have less prominent cement between the grains. Such rock are very porous and capable to store huge volume of oil and gas. Middle Eastern areas remained tectonically less active or passive and consequently much less breaking and destruction activity prevailed in that part of the Earth.

In summary, middle east has been encountered all the favourable conditions for the generation, preservation and accumulation of hydrocarbon during the geological history of the area. India has oil and gas because it has vast sedimentary basins in the west and east of the continent, both in offshore and land'; (Syed Tariq Hasany).Where the oil reserve of middle east countries come from?
there are lots of dead dinosaurs there
Fortunately thats why they have the largest oil reserves is because they have the most in the ground than any other place in the world. Also its more pure so it is easier to refine .
';In spite of some popular misconceptions, oil doesn't come from dead dinosaurs. In fact, most scientists agree that oil comes from creatures the size of a pinhead. These one-celled creatures, known as diatoms, aren't really plants, but share one very important characteristic with them - they take light from the sun and convert it into energy.';

';Oil was formed by geological processes millions of years ago and is typically found in underground reservoirs of dramatically different sizes, at varying depths, and with widely varying characteristics. The largest oil reservoirs are called “super giants,” many of which were discovered in the Middle East. Because of their size and other characteristics, super giant reservoirs are generally the easiest to find, the most economical to develop, and the longest-lived. The last super giant oil reservoirs discovered worldwide were found in 1967 and 1968. Since then, smaller reservoirs of varying sizes have been discovered in what are called “oil-prone” locations.';

But, ';President Hugo Chavez says Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world and he plans to show the world that Venezuela's proven oil reserves have been underestimated and that they easily outweigh previously proven oil deposits in the Middle East.';

For more info on that subject, check site below. Hope that helps.
  • good makeup
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