Friday, July 30, 2010

America's oil reserves?

I don't understand why our government won't flood the market with our oil. Can anyone explain why?America's oil reserves?
Because they continue to sell it to other countries, and since Bush %26amp; Cheney are both in the oil business this works to their advantage the prices of oil being so high, the reason oil was cheaper in the 90's with Clinton was because he did use our reserves to drive down the price because he had no invested interest in oil companies and refineries.America's oil reserves?
Because out oil reserves aren't that much.

If we released all our oil reserves, it would effect oil prices for a couple of months at most.

Then cost 3 times as much, to build the reserve back up again.
It has nothing to do with the President:

America doesn't control the oil market; the oil market is based on WORLD demand and if you check the facts you will find that India and China are using more and more and more resources's a WORLD market when it comes to oil prices; gasoline would be cheaper in the US if someone/ anyone would allow more refineries to be built....but the same people griping about $4 a gallon gas won't let the refineries be built.......
Because it would not be profitable. Increasing supply would lower the price--and thus the profits of the oil companies.

Exxon/Mobile alone is making around $10 billion PER QUARTER.

Take a look at where Bush, people like the so-called ';evangelist'; Pat Robertson, and other members of the neoconservative/right wing have their money--and where the bulk of the ';campaign contributions of the right-wing come from. They have every reason NOT to do anything to alliviate the energy situation.
Because we don't have easily recoverable oil in this country nor do we have the ability to refine it if we did.

The only reason why it is becoming economical practical to recover the oil in this country is because of the price.

Suck it up, the price of gas isn't coming down and all the liberal whining in the world won't change it. If I was the oil companies and B. Hussein Obama became Presdient and imposed a windfall tax scheme, I'd raise the price to keep my total profit at the 9-10% it is today. Guess who would end up paying the windfall tax? Certainly not the oil companies.
This is a question we need to ask our left-wing, liberal Congress. They are the ones not letting us release our reserves and end our dependence on foreign oil...NOT President Bush.
It's all BUSHs fault!

Obama 2008!
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