Friday, July 30, 2010

Should Pelosi be charged with Treason?suggesting that we drain strategic oil reserves ,while Chavez .........?

is threatening to cut off supplies,causing even less availability,and Higher prices?Should Pelosi be charged with Treason?suggesting that we drain strategic oil reserves ,while Chavez .........?
Yes. Next time she goes to Syria her passport should be revoked so she can stay with people she loves and join a harem.Should Pelosi be charged with Treason?suggesting that we drain strategic oil reserves ,while Chavez .........?
Yes and charged with Botox abuse as well

Seriously, the dimwit leader of the do nothing Democrat led congress should be thrown out of office for blocking voting on drilling offshore. One would wonder what the mental problem is when the next generation will suffer in the long run by NOT drilling and being self sufficent. The not so bright Dems think by making the economy suffer worse than it is, it will help their Junior Senator with no experience get in the office and 'save' the planet.

Vote McCain and end this silly charade of the dimwit democrat agenda
that isnt treason. please, we republcans dont go down that road, democrats are the irresponsible haters. if we call stupidity treason, then if there are honest objective thinkers out there, they will dismiss us as fools and not heed when treason actually happens. pelosi should be charged with ineptitude, lol, wish she had taken an oath before congress about her plan to lower gas prices if the democrats were elected. *** hey nancy! what about the little people? arent you going to help the middle class????*** GET THOSE GAS PRICES DOWN! WE NEED TO DRILL FOR OUR OWN OIL!!!!
Wow, suggesting a political leader be charged with treason -- a crime that can lead to the death penalty -- for expressing a political opinion.

Gotta love that conservative devotion to freedom of speech.
Answer: Pelosi is an idiot. Chavez should rot waaaayyyy down South where the fires burn below.
Pelosi is a typical Dem: let's use up everything we have and let our kids worry about it when it is their turn.
No. Making such a suggestion cannot be construed as treason as defined by the Constitution.
How is it considered treason to use what we already have stockpiled?
she needs to go.she has made enough money on her stay!

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