Friday, July 30, 2010

Why not drill the oil reserves we have instead of suffering high prices?

Enough is enough, if NIMBYs won't like the aesthetics of oil rigs, offshore tidal marine or wind turbines, why don't they pay the difference in energy costs to everyone else caused by this shortage? Higher energy costs will cause inflation and tank our economy, that's more important than ruining someone's view from their beach house? Give your elected officials what for on this. Nuke doesn't have to be the answer. This is the same fiasco Carter got us into, crying shortage yet stopping any new projects for enviromental reasons. It is a VITAL neccesity for national security and prosperity to tap into and refine federal reserves, if only to supply government stockpiles and uses of oil, it would free up that much more for public consumption. That means drill offshore or in the artic, and build more refineries in different locations instead of where they all get shut down by one hurricane, accident or terrorist attack.Why not drill the oil reserves we have instead of suffering high prices?
It's a great question. I don't know if what I've heard is true but I saw video of a lecture given by a minister (17 years) to the oil companies in Alaska. He says the worlds largest natural pool of oil is right there, in the great state of Alaska.

In either case, we do have some oil but if the resevoir or pool is not substantial enough the cost and equipment needed to get it out of the ground is likely to outweigh the effort.

Could be the oilmen want to do to oil what DeBeers did to diamonds!? Wouldn't that be disgusting!Why not drill the oil reserves we have instead of suffering high prices?
I'll tell you. When shooting starts between us and china, we'll have plenty of oil. If we start shooting oil tankers heading to china, china will be walking to battle in about 3 days. there is no oil in china. As for russia, a few good cruise missle strikes would take out their refinery abilities and they'll be walking to battle. What we need to do is move some of our refineries inland far enough that our enemies cant hit them from sea. thats my opinion any ways. maybe theres someone out there with a better idea.
A great deal of the rise in oil prices is simply due to more and more taxes being added by ';our'; criminal government and the manipulation of prices by intentionally limiting the amount we can refine.

The rest is due to the fact that the dollar is crashing. The Canadian dollar is actually worth more than the US dollar now!!! Worthless dollars buy less oil. The government has managed to keep this alarming truth pretty quiet so far, but expect to see rapid inflation everywhere starting about now. A box of cereal is already $4.00 and a loaf of bread has doubled to $2.00 unless you buy garbage... They've finally officially admitted that our wages are decreasing at the same time. The Fed has been printing worthless dollars for years and years to prop the markets up and fake a good economy. They've finally finished off the dollar.

You haven't noticed the ';globalists'; now completely control ';our'; government that's no longer ';for the people';? That the country's in debt and all the wealth of the middle class has been funneled to the ';global elite'; using a treasonous puppet government against us? That they're flooding the country with 3rd world immigrants to speed up the death of the middle class? Treasonously killing The Constitution in preparation for a new system of government that will ';save'; us from the dollar's crash and using the threat of terrorism against us exactly like they did to form the European Union?

Terrorism is using fear to gain power. Is that not exactly what ';our'; treasonous ';globalist'; controlled puppet government is doing?

Saving our own supply of oil for an emergency or a time when oil really is scarce is about the only thing they're doing I'd agree with...
Talk to liberal tree huggers. They do not want any new nuclear power plants, clean coal fired plants, oil wells, refineries yet they do not offer solutions. Fossil fuels need to be part of a large ';Apollo style'; project to move our energy needs to solar power and biofuels where they make sense. CALTECH has some very interesting seminars about what energy sources are really most feasible based on worlds demand for power and available resources.
Because Oil in The USA is far higher priced than the oil in The Middle East.

It is Greed.The oil companies charge more here.
The main cause for high cost of oil is called CHINA. They predict that in 20 years, China will have more cars on the road than the rest of the entire world put together.
I believe, I saw a commercial, where some oil company is doing something in texas, that will produce 200 millions gallons of oil for our nation, per day. interesting !!!! but, will it be for us, or is it going somewhere else?????
We have been trying to drill, not only in the Anwr but in the US. It keeps getting blocked by groups that prefer we freeze to death in the dark. Of course that doesn't stop them from boarding a private jet to attend a conference on global warming.
From everthing I've heard, it would take two years to get that production on line.
Bush is keeping them for his great grandchildren
I'm with you but who is going to convince the bleeding heart liberals
I think it has a lot to do with environmentalist.

I agree with ';Fedup';, we do need to look for alternatives. I myself use hydrogen on my vehicles and have doubled my mpgs...鈥?/a>

With a little bit of financing, I know I could design a engine to make 100mpg. Go ahead and laugh...My friends who laughed now want hydrogen generators units in their cars. HHO is not dangerous if you don't store it...I burn what I produce.

Fedup is right... the guy that built the VW sand-rail that could go from the east coast to the west coast on 22gal of water, died of poisoning, and had also talked to the pentagon on converting the military vehicles to hydrogen. It does take energy to produce HHO, and I have found by changing the electrolyte, you can produce more or less HHO with the same energy.

You will not here of this, because oil is big big business - period!
In a future war, who is going to win?

A.) the country that has the most oil reserves in the ground, or

B.) the country that has to buy it from A

Its called strategic planning something neocons wouldn't understand.

BTW, the price of oil has less to do with the price of gas than supply and demand does here. and it isn't liberal trehuggers that caused refiners to shut down refiners to boost margins.
Where would you like to start drilling name one place?


The non-partisan CBO released a report in 2002 that said drilling in ANWAR would only reduce the price of gasoline adn heating oil in the USA 1-3%. And it would take 10 years from the start date of drilling before one drop reached the American public.

doesnt seem worth it. Especially, since Uncle Sam will fit most of the up front costs, for Exxon to make billions, or eventually trillions of more dollars on something that will not help.

Conserve and Adapt (new tech)- that is the only way the USA can fix the power problems.
How about DEVELOPING new technology instead of thwarting it at every turn like the government/big oil does?

The facts stand that there has been at least TWO different engines that have been developed and all they needed was WATER to work. Oil purchased one patent and the guy with the other one ended up dead earlier in the year because he was going to develop the engine..someone KILLED the guy!

You people are being PLAYED!
That's simple like the fires in California, the enviro people. I'm for the spotted back jobber do as anyone, but they should have trimmed those trees back and less fire and loss. Same with the oil. lid a tiny spot in Alaska and millions in oil and more offshore. I even sent a proposal to my senators to put together a team for the country to drill it, instead of the royalty they normally get. 1 million into the navy reserve that Gore sold to his fathers company and the rest on the market to help stabilize the price. But tons of gas. Its bull to be worried about the wildlife on a few acres up there.

One time had a liberal democrat till me once that's gone in six months then what. I stated are you NUTS? why would we build a permanent pipeline if it was only going to last for six months, try 25 years.

What a bunch of idiots and they are destroying the country and must be stopped. Super man has an answer and a patent and they will not talk with him go figure, scope out his site. Take care. Oh yea ask Hillary, but Bush didn't get it done. It's insane. No one will be around to see the spotted back jobber-do at this rate.
excellent question! what we need is more exploration and drilling! we desperately need government subsidies for exploration and new drilling. PLUS we need more refining capacity. let's get some good subsidies for building more refining capacity NOW, before it's too late!

man, you and me bud! it aint popular and it aint green but you are using your head! it's good to see someone else thinking and showing some smarts around here! great question!

i mean we gladly give all these silly subsidies to ineffecient, speculative energy sources, when we have good ol' fossil fuels right in the ground! let's drill 'em, refine 'em and use 'em! we can develop all that other silly stuff as we go along and have that crap ready when the oil runs out in about 100 years or so....just that simple.

thanx! you have given me a new respect for the yaheck q%26amp;a crowd. somebody finally said it!

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