Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Do you think there is some sort of link between ENRON,BUSH and war on countries with oil reserves?

I can't say for sure if there is any link between the three, that is completely another conspiracy theory that needs more investigating.

But to answer the last post from the Bush fan:

Are we really building a better Iraq, I am sure that is just your opinion, please provide some proof and facts that we have made it that much better as you claim.

I believe this was a war that was started based on lies and wrong information that Bush sold to the country. I do not hear anything about the WMD anymore, I wonder why is that, perhaps you can enlighten us on where those WMD may be?

Now why on earth would someone give free oil/gas to the country that just invaded their country? Since your friend, the VP's former employer is making a killing on the contracts that the VP helped land for them, I am sure that will more than make up for not getting any free oil/gas, what do you think?

This is a place where people just want to ask questions, intelligent or not, left or right, and one can choose to participate in a courteous manner, but no need to come out swinging from the hip with your conservative hard line BS.....we have enough of that from the country's leaders everyday!Do you think there is some sort of link between ENRON,BUSH and war on countries with oil reserves?
The all have something to do with energy? Well except for AfghanistanDo you think there is some sort of link between ENRON,BUSH and war on countries with oil reserves?
Yes, it's called the 'Axis of Evil'

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